Tuesday, December 30, 2008

christmas outing & orientation 2009

busy busy busy with orientation, went back to school for dry run on 29 and 30. and we had much more fun on the second day, because everyone participated and bonded more with each other. with seniors like joy and joy helping us, it moved on smoothly :)

and i hope that orientation will go on really smoothly and that we won't be too pressured.

but christmas outing to bg really worked out and i had much fun. captain's ball after frisbee, game after game, and i got really burnt. i went suntanning with alicia, joh and sammie, just sitting in the middle of the field watching people playing games and slacking. :) my clique and i went climbing up the tembusu tree and sarah had much difficulty making her way down again. lol.. :D

and claire and i swapped our converse shoes and i'll update our picture when i have more time.
pretty purple shoes..

dear God, please bless orientation 2009.

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